Homecoming is quickly approaching!
BHS Homecoming is right around the corner and we’ve got lots of fun stuff in store:
1. Participate in the Homecoming Parade on Sept 27: Meet in the Oliver Middle School south parking lot at 4:30pm. Send a note to [email protected] and let us know you’re coming, along with your class year, so we can ensure you have a class sign to carry! Wear your pride blue and white to show your Brockport spirit! Vintage stuff is great!
2. Do you have an old yearbook you’d like to donate to the BHS Alumni Association? If so, please bring to the high school and leave with the Greeter at the front door!
3. Sign up to help at the Alumni Tent at the Food Truck event during homecoming, from 4pm-7pm on Sept 27. RSVP to [email protected] if you can join!
4. Order alumni SWAG (apparel) from Sept 27-Oct 11. Samples will be available for viewing at the Alumni Tent on Sept 27. You may also order online by checking the website. We’ll send another email when the online store is ready!
5. Homecoming Membership Drive is going on NOW through September 30. Let’s see which class can get the most members to sign up (Class of 2005, you’re in the lead)! Visit the website and re-up or join for this coming year! Lifetime members, you do not have to pay dues again. Yearly member and new members, please be sure to renew! It’s only $10 and helps support the annual scholarship dinner, scholarships and more!